Project Management and Construction Services
Comprehensive Approach to Project Management
Our clients include entrepreneurs, lenders, condominium boards, corporations and institutional investors.
- Locate and Acquire Residential or Commercial/ Industrial Properties
- Develop New Buildings
- Redevelop Existing Buildings
- Renovate Buildings
- Make Tenant Improvements
- Provide Reports on Every Aspect of Design/Construction
In-house Experts – We provide access to seasoned resources. Our professional staff includes registered architects, certified asbestos inspectors, attorneys, engineers, and experts in all types of property construction. Since these people have many years of experience, chances are they have successfully completed a development similar to yours. While we create a team that is tailored to your needs, these people have access to other in-house experts as needed.
Full Service – We have a full-service philosophy. We free you from complex and time-consuming day-to-day decisions on design, construction and change orders. Your team knows how to manage risks and keep an eye on quality and cost.
Accountable – We provide detailed reports to our partners on every aspect of design and construction. Our vigilance typically helps us generate savings on original construction budgets.
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Bill Van Senus
Senior Vice President
Development Group